
The purpose of this disclaimer is to determine the conditions for use for the visitors of the 3D SUNLU.com. This website belongs to the 3D SUNLU group. The visitor can only use this website and the information it contains if he or she respects the general terms and conditions described below. The 3D SUNLU Group reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any given time.

The visitor explicitly recognizes that the provided information and data are and remain the sole property of the 3D SUNLU Group. Contracting of services or ordering of goods does not entail transfer or attribution of the hereafter described intellectual rights of ownership.

This is a copyright publication: all texts, illustrations, images and other items on the website are protected under the applicable copyright laws as well as under the laws pertaining to intellectual rights of ownership. Certain names, signs or logos on this website are commercial brands or registered trademarks.

Complete or partial reproduction in whatever form of the contents of the 3D SUNLU.com, of registered trademarks, logos, illustrations, and databases is strictly prohibited. The visitor must obtain express written permission from the 3D SUNLU Group should he or she wish to reproduce them or make them public.

The 3D SUNLU Group can grant permission for the visitor to place orders through electronic means or to access certain data banks it places at the visitors’ disposal. The collected data are to be used strictly confidentially and will not be disclosed to third parties. The data remain the sole property of the 3D SUNLU Group. Contracting of services or ordering of goods does not entail transfer or attribution of the used data files.

The 3D SUNLU Group commits itself not to pass on or disclose the information supplied by the visitor or by its customers to third parties or the general public. All information is treated strictly confidential and will only be used for purposes of internal management.

The visitor can ask to consult, correct or delete his or her data at any moment by contacting us.